Clipextract - Clip Extraction Library

ClipExtract Revision History

This page includes the revision history for ClipExtract and the underlying QisMlib, QisMBool and other associated libraries.

ClipExtract v2.03 Linux/Win 03/22/2017

Logical Layer Operations

Added Boolean operations between layers: XOR, MINUS, OR, AND.

ClipExtract v2.01 Linux/Win 11/09/2016

Bug Fix - Load to Memory

The input file was not being loaded into memory even though the program was set to do so. This caused a significant reduction in clip throughput

Bug Fix - Boolean Object

Creating new instances of Boolean object in multiple threads is forbidden and caused a crash.

ClipExtract v2.00 Linux 10/27/2016

Linux Version Upgraded to 2.00

The Linux version of the clipextract program has been upgraded to v2.00.

ClipExtract v2.00 10/21/2016

Initial Release on Windows

This is the initial release on Windows.

Internal Library Versions

acsbool64.dll           2.413.1.0   10/06/2016    
qismlib64.dll      10/20/2016
qismclipextract64.dll     10/20/2016 
clipextract64.exe     10/20/2016 

Product ID's

1 - QisLib_MT (11003)
N - ClipExtract (31209)

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