Intersection Check Functions |
Objective |
check the location of a point relative
to a polygon. |
Prototype |
QisBool_IsPointInsidePolygon( int iX, int iY, int* iXY, int iNV, void* iBooleanHandle ); |
Input Arguments |
int iX: X co-ordinate of the point in question. b.
int iY: Y co-ordinate of the point in question. c.
int* iXY: List of x,y
co-ordinates of the polygon in question. d.
int iNV: Number of vertices in the polygon in
question. e.
void* iBooleanHandle: Handle to an instance of QisBool
obtained using QisBool_Create. |
Output Arguments |
- |
Return Value |
0: The point is outside the polygon. b.
1: The point is in the interior of the polygon (not on
the boundary) c.
2: The point is on the boundary of the polygon but is
not one of the vertices. d.
3: The point is one of the vertices of the polygon. |
Pre-Conditions |
- |
Operation |
This function checks the location of a point with
respect to a polygon. |
Post-Conditions |
- |
C++ Equivalent |
virtual int
IQisBool::IsPointInsidePolygon( int iX, int iY, int* iXY, int iNV ) = 0; |
See Also |
- |
Objective |
check the location of a point relative to a set of polygons. |
Prototype |
QisBool_IsPointInPolygons( int iX, int iY, int** iXY, int* iNV, int
iN, int* oIndices, void* iBooleanHandle ); |
Input Arguments |
int iX: X co-ordinate of the point in question. b.
int iY: Y co-ordinate of the point in question. c.
int iN: Number of polygons in the set. d.
int* iNV: A list of number of vertices for each
polygon in the set. e.
int** iXY: A list of x,y
co-ordinates of each polygon in the set. f.
void* iBooleanHandle: Handle to an instance of QisBool
obtained using QisBool_Create. |
Output Arguments |
int* oIndices: A pre-allocated array of iN integers. This
array is populated with status codes (0..3) depending on the location of the
point with respect to each polygon of the set. i.e
If I is an index of a polygon in the set (with iNV[I] number of vertices and
iXY[i] co-ordinates), then upon successful return,
oIndices[I] is a value from 0..3 indicating the location of the point iX, iY
relative to the polygon I. |
Return Value |
success: 0 b.
failure: Invalid boolean handle or iN <= 0. |
Pre-Conditions |
The array to store status codes (oIndices) must contain
iN integers and must be allocated by the client. |
Operation |
The function performs QisBool_IsPointInsidePolygon for each polygon in
the set and populates the corresponding slot in oIndices with the status code
: 0:
The point is outside the polygon. 1:
The point is in the interior of the polygon (not on the boundary) 2:
The point is on the boundary of the polygon but is not one of the vertices. 3:
The point is one of the vertices of the polygon. |
Post-Conditions |
- |
C++ Equivalent |
virtual int
IQisBool::IsPointInPolygons( int iX, int iY, int** iXY, int* iNV, int
iN, int* oIndices ) = 0; |
See Also |
Objective |
check if a boundary/path crosses another boundary. |
Prototype |
QisBool_IsObjectInRegion( int* iXY, int iNV, int iWidth, EPathType
iPathType, int* iRegionXY, int iRegionNV, void* iBooleanHandle ); |
Input Arguments |
int* iXY: The x,y
co-ordinates of the boundary/path whose location needs to be tested. b.
int iNV: The number of vertices in the boundary/path
whose location needs to be tested. c.
int iWidth: For paths, specify the path width. For
boundaries, this argument is ignored. d.
EPathType iPathType: eIS_BOUNDARY:
Polygon to be tested is a boundary. eFLUSH_PATH:
Polygon to be tested is a flush path. eROUND_PATH
: Polygon to be tested is a round path. eHALFEXT_PATH
: Polygon to be tested is a half extended path. e.
int* iRegionXY: The x,y
co-ordinates of the polygon to be used as reference. f.
int iRegionNV: The number of vertices of the polygon
to be used as a reference. g.
void* iBooleanHandle: Handle to an instance of QisBool
obtained using QisBool_Create. |
Output Arguments |
- |
Return Value |
success: 0:
The path/boundary and the region intersect. 1:
The path/boundary is inside the region. 2:
The path/boundary encloses the region. 3:
The path/boundary is outside the region. b.
failure: < 0. Call QisBool_ErrorMsg to get the
details. |
Pre-Conditions |
The reference polygon (region) must be a closed
boundary. b.
The polygon to be tested can be a path or a boundary. |
Operation |
This function checks the location of the polygon to be
tested relative to the reference polygon (region). |
Post-Conditions |
- |
C++ Equivalent |
virtual int IQisBool::IsObjectInRegion( int* iXY, int iNV, int iWidth, EPathType
iPathType, int* iRegionXY, int iRegionNV ) = 0; |
See Also |
- |
Objective |
setup a list of rectangular windows to be used later for QisBool_PolyCrossWindows. |
Prototype |
QisBool_SetupWindows( int iNWindows, int* iExtentsArr, void**
oHandle, void* iBoolHandle ); |
Input Arguments |
int iNWindows: Number of windows. b.
int* iExtentsArr: An array of 4*iNWindows integers
specifying the min-max extents of the rectangular windows. iExtentsArr[0..3] represent
the first window, iExtentsArr[4..7] represent second window and so on. c.
void* iBooleanHandle: Handle to an instance of QisBool
obtained using QisBool_Create. |
Output Arguments |
void** oHandle: Address of a void pointer which will
store a handle to an internal object that holds the window data. This handle
should not be reinterpreted in any way (for QisBool use only). |
Return Value |
Always 0. |
Pre-Conditions |
- |
Operation |
This function sets up a list of rectangular windows
for use later during QisBool_PolyCrossWindows. |
Post-Conditions |
The memory allocated internally to store the rectangular
windows must be release by calling QisBool_ReleaseRegions. |
C++ Equivalent |
virtual int
IQisBool::SetupWindows( int iNWindows, int* iExtentsArr, void**
oHandle ) = 0; |
See Also |
Objective |
setup a list of polygonal windows to be used later by QisBool_PolyCrossRegions and QisBool_PolyCrossLeonovRegions. |
Prototype |
QisBool_SetupRegions( int iNRegions, int* iNV, int** iXY, void**
oHandle, void* iBoolHandle ); |
Input Arguments |
int iNRegions: Number of polygonal windows. b.
int* iNV: List of number of vertices per polygon. c.
int** iXY: List of x,y
co-ordinates per polygon. d.
void* iBooleanHandle: Handle to an instance of QisBool
obtained using QisBool_Create. |
Output Arguments |
void** oHandle: Address of a void pointer which will
store a handle to an internal object that holds the polygon data. This handle
should not be reinterpreted in any way (for QisBool use only). |
Return Value |
Always 0. |
Pre-Conditions |
The polygonal windows can either be regular polygons (every integer of
iNV is +ve) or they can contain Leonov polygons (iNV integer
corresponding to outer boundaries is -ve) |
Operation |
This function sets up a list of rectangular windows
for use later during QisBool_PolyCrossRegions and QisBool_PolyCrossLeonovRegions. |
Post-Conditions |
The memory allocated internally to store the
rectangular windows must be release by calling QisBool_ReleaseRegions. |
C++ Equivalent |
virtual int IQisBool::SetupRegions( int iNRegions, int* iNV, int** iXY,
void** oHandle ) = 0; |
See Also |
Objective |
To release
the memory allocated to store the rectangular, polygonal and leonov windows
by QisBool_SetupWindows and QisBool_SetupRegions. |
Prototype |
QisBool_ReleaseRegions(void** ioHandle, void* iBoolHandle); |
Input Arguments |
void** ioHandle: Address of the handle returned by QisBool_SetupWindows or QisBool_SetupRegions. b.
void* iBooleanHandle: Handle to an instance of QisBool
obtained using QisBool_Create. |
Output Arguments |
void** ioHandle: The contents of this address is set
to NULL upon return. |
Return Value |
- |
Pre-Conditions |
*ioHandle must be a non-null void pointer returned by
one of the above mentioned setup functions. |
Operation |
This function releases the memory allocated to store
the rectangular, polygonal and leonov windows. |
Post-Conditions |
- |
C++ Equivalent |
virtual void
IQisBool::ReleaseRegions(void*& ioHandle) = 0; |
See Also |
Objective |
check if a polygon crosses a set of rectangular windows. |
Prototype |
QisBool_PolyCrossWindows( int* iXY, int iNV, void* iHandle, void*
iBoolHandle ); |
Input Arguments |
a. int*
iXY: The x,y co-ordinates of the polygon in
question. b. int
iNV: The number of vertices of the polygon in question. c.
void* iHandle: Handle to a list of rectangular windows
obtained from QisBool_SetupWindows. d.
void* iBooleanHandle: Handle to an instance of QisBool
obtained using QisBool_Create. |
Output Arguments |
- |
Return Value |
a. success:
The specified polygon does not cross any of the windows. 1:
The specified polygon crosses one of the windows. 2:
The specified polygon is fully inside one of the windows. 3:
One of the windows is fully inside the polygon. b.
failure: < 0. The input polygon is not closed or
invalid QisBool handle |
Pre-Conditions |
The rectangular windows need to be setup using QisBool_SetupWindows before this
function is called. |
Operation |
This function checks if the polygon crosses any of the
specified rectangular windows. b.
The same set of rectangular windows can be used over
and over again for multiple calls to this function until they are released
using QisBool_ReleaseRegions. |
Post-Conditions |
- |
C++ Equivalent |
virtual int IQisBool::PolyCrossWindows(int*
iXY, int iNV, void* iHandle) = 0; |
See Also |
Objective |
check if a polygon crosses a set of polygonal regions (non-leonov). |
Prototype |
QisBool_PolyCrossRegions( int* iXY, int iNV, void* iHandle, void*
iBoolHandle ); |
Input Arguments |
int* iXY: The x,y
co-ordinates of the polygon in question. b.
int iNV: The number of vertices of the polygon in
question. c.
void* iHandle: Handle to a list of polygon regions
obtained from QisBool_SetupRegions. d.
void* iBooleanHandle: Handle to an instance of QisBool
obtained using QisBool_Create. |
Output Arguments |
- |
Return Value |
success: 0:
The specified polygon does not cross any of the regions. 1:
The specified polygon crosses one of the regions. 2:
The specified polygon is fully inside one of the regions. 3:
One of the regions is fully inside the polygon. b.
failure: < 0. The input polygon is not closed or
invalid QisBool handle |
Pre-Conditions |
The polygon regions need to be setup using QisBool_SetupRegions before this
function is called. |
Operation |
This function checks if the polygon crosses any of the
specified polygonal regions. b.
The same set of polygonal regions can be used over and
over again for multiple calls to this function until they are released using QisBool_ReleaseRegions. |
Post-Conditions |
- |
C++ Equivalent |
virtual int
IQisBool::PolyCrossRegions(int* iXY, int iNV, void* iHandle) = 0; |
See Also |
Objective |
check if a polygon crosses a set of regions containing one or more leonov regions. |
Prototype |
QisBool_PolyCrossLeonovRegions( int* iXY, int iNV, void* iHandle, void*
iBoolHandle ); |
Input Arguments |
int* iXY: The x,y
co-ordinates of the polygon in question. b.
int iNV: The number of vertices of the polygon in
question. c.
void* iHandle: Handle to a list of leonov regions obtained
from QisBool_SetupRegions. d.
void* iBooleanHandle: Handle to an instance of QisBool
obtained using QisBool_Create. |
Output Arguments |
- |
Return Value |
success: 0:
The specified polygon does not cross any of the regions. 1:
The specified polygon crosses one of the regions. 2:
The specified polygon is fully inside one of the regions. 3:
One of the regions is fully inside the polygon. b.
failure: < 0. The input polygon is not closed or
invalid QisBool handle. |
Pre-Conditions |
The leonov regions need to be setup using QisBool_SetupRegions before this
function is called. |
Operation |
This function checks if the polygon crosses any of the
specified polygonal regions. b.
The same set of polygonal regions can be used over and
over again for multiple calls to this function until they are released using QisBool_ReleaseRegions. |
Post-Conditions |
- |
C++ Equivalent |
virtual int
IQisBool::PolyCrossLeonovRegions(int* iXY, int iNV, void* iHandle) = 0; |
See Also |
© 2012 Artwork Conversion
Software Inc. |
417 Ingalls St. Santa Cruz CA
95060 |
[T] +1 831-426-6163 [F] +1 831-
[E] info@artwork.com |